Thank You For Reading Sales Presentation Training!
Thanks to all of you who have helped to make Sales Presentation Training a Success. Google recently ranked this blog with a page rank of 4-coming from a (0) I am very pleased! I also notice that when you do a search in MSN for "Sales Presentation" this blog is coming up number 2 in search results of 2,789,322! Thank you all very much for using Sales Presentation Training as a resource for your public speaking and sales presentations.
I am also instituting some changes to make this site more useful and user friendly. I will be converting to a different format that will have all this information categorized for easier viewing. You will not notice any interruptions but just wanted to let you know what the heck I've been doing. I should have this project finished by weeks end-Yeah!!
For the balance of the week Christie and I will be happy to answer any and all questions you may have about public speaking, sales presentations, openings and or closings for your presentations-whatever you would like us to answer. Please make your questions specific and to the point! Bring the questions on!
Steve Mertz
Thanks for All Your Support!
Technorati Tags:
Google, Public Speaking, Sales Presentations, Sales Openings, Sales Closings, Sales Training, Presentation
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